Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! I hope you had a green day and celebrated in all the festivities. This is a fun day for our family. And since we have Irish in our blood we always have to celebrate. :) Hopefully you didn't get pinched, if you did....Shame On YOU!! :)
Ty Helping With The St. Patty Day Food Preparations

 Ty loves helping in the kitchen, but it usually doesn't last too long. :) He gets pretty bored quickly, so I wanted to get the picture before we started to prove that he did in fact help. :) He was excited that we got to make everything turn green. Although half way through he wanted to change the color to red because he was tired of doing green. I had to explain to him that on St. Patrick's Day everything is green, so maybe we can have a red day on another day. He seemed to be ok with that and left me to finish the green coloring. :)

Ty & Austin Wishing You a Happy St. Patty's Day!

I just LOVE this picture. Austin loves his big brother so much. Right before I handed him to Ty he was crying and was not very happy. But as soon as I put him in Ty's arms he settled down. Ty is just as in love with his baby brother. He is always wanting Austin to be involved in whatever he is doing. 

Friday, March 4, 2011

3 Months Already!

Yesterday Austin turned 3 months old. I can not believe how fast this time is going by. I definitely feel like it is going by much faster than it did with Ty. And I remember feeling like it was going by fast with him too. That scares me, before I know it they will be all grown up and out of our house. :( So moral of the story..... cherish each moment.  :)
The first 3 months of Austin's life have been a whirlwind. When he was first born there were issues that needed to be addressed with his heart and a couple of other things. Then once that settled down he got sick with RSV and Bronchiolitis and was in the hospital for 5 days when he was just 4 weeks old. Plus he wasn't gaining weight. Again he was a trooper and showed us how strong he is and overcame that hurdle. And I am proud to say that he is putting on the weight like a champ! :) Then he wasn't passing his hearing tests so we had some additional testing done and confirmed that he has a moderate hearing loss in both ears. So he is unable to hear us talking to him right now, but we were given some hope that with hearing aids he should be able to hear much better. He will not be able to hear as crisp and clear as we do, but he will be able to hear us talk to him.
As you could imagine there has been a lot going on in our little family. Along with our regular family schedule of Preschool, and Newborn life we have had a few appointments to go to as well.  We are confident that everything will be just fine and Austin will be able to adjust and develop at the normal level with the help of his hearing aids and speech therapy. We know that Austin is a chosen spirit that has blessed our family. And Ty and Austin have had a special bond since the day he was born. It is so heart whelming to see them together and how protective Ty is of his little brother already. With that said I would be kidding myself if I said that I have everything under control and it is all a breeze. So I have decided that I need to have some place to put my thoughts so it is not all piled up inside waiting for me to explode. So here I am. I am using  our blog to one, keep everyone posted of our family and our fun life experiences and also to put all my thoughts and feelings together during this crazy process of getting everything put together for Austin.
I am not writing this for everyone to feel sorry for us, because really they shouldn't. We have been blessed with two beautiful and healthy boys who are special and unique in their own ways. We know that there will be some ups and downs that we all will  have to go through, but we also know that with the support of our family and friends, and most importantly Gods help that everything will be ok.