Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Dane competed in the ASC competition in Reno this last weekend as part of the Electrical Team for Sac State. After months of preparation their team took 1st place in the Nation! Woo Hoo!! I am so proud of him and his accomplishments! He has worked so hard on this and it paid off!! This is a picture of the Electrical Team. The guys that are wearing the ties are the ones who competed. The other guys are coaches and an alternate. Everyone in this picture was a huge part of the win. They all worked together in seamlessly. I had the wonderful opportunity to be there and be a part of the excitement! Thank you Dane for letting me share that moment with you! I am so in love with my husband and so grateful for all the sacrifices and hard work that he has done for Ty and I so we can be a strong family unit. He is a wonderful husband, father, son & brother! Thank you Dane for all that you have done and for the wonderful example you are to our son!